Il noto hacker spagnolo del mondo delle console, in particolare della PSP, dà un arrivederci facendo capire che non si occuperà più delle console (almeno per un pò).
Chissà se col tempo lo vedremo tornare in scena, per ora possiamo solo aspettare sperando in un suo prossimo ritorno.
Di seguito il comunicato in inglese:
Closure Announcement of Dark-AleX.org Forum.
Within the following announcement, we announce the closure of Dark-AleX.org forum, after one year of working, more than 50,000 users, more than
170,000 messages, and more than 15,000 threads. With those statistics, that have gone generally within more than 450 messages, 40 threads and 130
new users per day, we are more than just satisfied about the results and about what we have reached.
There are many reasons. The forum, by itself, has been a challenge. A challenge that, without any doubt, has exceeded all of our expectatives, and
a challenge that now, after all that we have been through, we find ourselves happy and proud of having gone this far. However, its, professionally
speaking, a moment for evolving and taking ourselves a little time for relax and so we can study whats next.
Since the beginning, the people' answer has been something amazing and indescribable, something that we won't have enough grateful words, and that
fills us of satisfaction. This support has been so huge that we have found ourselves overwhelmed, and when we wanted to give the deserved service
for each user, we have gone into problems and we have got to take this hard but consistent decition; that, the same way as we wield a smile when all
this was starting, this last decition makes us sad, but we know that is the best choice at the moment.
Again, thanks to all, to our moderators, to our friends, to our old and new partners, to the English Zone and their help to this project, and everyone
of you that have helped us on any terms.
Lastly, if any user is interested on recovering any part or any thread of the forum, please contact with the following e-mail: alek@dark-alex.org
so we can deliver what you need.
And remember, you always have to your disposal our IRC as a place in where you can chat, you can laugh with us, and as a cool reason to make a reunion
and remember old times, as after all this is not a "goodbye", but a "cya" ;-)
Admin and Webmaster of Dark-AleX.org
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