Friday, December 19, 2008

PSP-4000 nel 2009?

Appena smentito il rumor riguardante la produzione di una PSP2, ecco arrivare nuove voci riguardanti una PSP-4000 che, stando ad un articolo pubblicato di recente su Eurogamer, dovrebbe vedere la luce verso la fine del 2009.
Altra notizia pubblicata sul sito, sostiene che sarebbe in corso la produzione della PSP2 che dovrebbe uscire alcuni mesi dopo la PSP-4000.

Nulla รจ stato confermato da Sony quindi tali informazioni sono da prendere con le pinze..

Non mi resta che lasciarvi all'articolo in lingua originale:
Sony plans to refresh the PlayStation Portable product line with a PSP-4000 model in late 2009 and launch a true successor - a PSP2, if you like - later.

Publishing sources, speaking to Eurogamer, were unable to provide any further detail on next year's update, which will presumably follow this year's PSP-3000 in taking an iterative approach. The PSP-3000 launched this October and followed a 2000-series model, the first Slim & Lite, in September 2007.

Even fewer details were available on the PSP successor, but we're told that developers are already working on games.

Sony has not ruled out either scenario, despite SCEE president David Reeves' assertion in MCV last week that "there are currently no plans for a PSP2". "I go to Tokyo quite a lot and no one has referred to it - I think they have their hands full at the moment," he said, non-committally.

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